

"Vatniks don't surrender!" How Kyiv is trying the leaders of the Ukrainian Komsomol, the Kononovich brothers, whose support is being protested by communists all over the world

Oleksiy Arunyan

Ukraine Solidarity Under the Trump Administration

Ukraine Solidarity Network (US)

Europe Won't Save Itself by Trading the Welfare State for Weapons
Ukraine: I’ve heard this before
The pacifism of the Quebec Collective "Échec à la guerre" ("Checkmate to War") is not peace

Marc Bonhomme

Ukraine three years after all‑out invasion: Continue solidarity and support

Fred Leplat, Liz Lawrence

Finland’s Left Is Battling the Far Right

Grace Blakeley

Slavoj Zizek: Leftists falsify the choice that Ukrainians face during wartime
Austerity or Raising the Minimum Wage: Catarina Martins on Portugal's Experience

Catarina Martins, Interview by Denys Pilash

New Tankies and Digital Neo-Stalinism: How Conservative Left is Incubated
With Ukraine resisting

Enrique del Olmo

Do a majority of Ukrainians want Ukraine to stop fighting?

Sacha Ismail

Selective imperialism and lost friendships
Geopolitical conflicts, anti-imperialism and internationalism in times of “reactionary acceleration”
European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine Statement On arming Ukraine and the struggle against militarism

European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine

“Being left means being on the side of the oppressed”

Carola Rackete, Marco Bresolini, Christian Zeller

Great Britain: Singham’s man at the Morning Star

Jim Denham

Ukraine: Solidarity with Carola Rockete!

Chris Zeller

Lenin on Serbia’s role in World War I: A useful analogy for the current Ukraine war?
Morning Star backs Farage over Ukraine

Jim Denham

Finland: ANDERSSON: The Left must clean out members who oppose support for Ukraine

Aleksi Teivainen

Dangerous liaisons: New details of Latvian MEP Tatjana Ždanoka’s espionage for Russia
How George Galloway lied to millions that Zelensky’s wife spent $1m on jewellery
“If we didn’t join the armed forces, the left in Ukraine would cease to exist,” says Taras Bilous

DAVYDENKO Polyna, DOBEŠ Lukåť, Translation from Czech: Adam Novak

No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world

Simon Pirani

ŽiŞek Blog: Below, a piece on Ukraine, and the crises we face.
War or peace? A false dilemma in the controversy
Canada: Ukraine: Ceasefire… or capitulation?

Richard Fidler Camille Popinot

Statement from SP two years after the invasion

Socialistisk Politik

Two Armies in One. James Meek on the Russians in Ukraine

James Meek

How to Understand Russia’s Imperialist Attitude Toward Ukraine

Hanna Perekhoda

Britain: The Stop the War Coalition and Ukraine: a decade of political and factual illiteracy

Dale Street

Inquiry: Anarchists and the War in Ukraine

Ondřej Slačálek, Grzegorz Piotrowski, and Miroslav Tomek

"Social Movement co-founded the Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance (CEEGLA)

Sotsialniy Rukh

Are there two international courts?!!

Des Derwin

Using Gaza to undermine Ukraine

Jim Denham

Russian troops out—Stop the genocide
The Stop the War Coalition and Ukraine

Dale Street

Putin’s Russia and Peripheral Imperialism
Redouble our efforts to achieve victory in Ukraine

John-Paul Himka

Russia fakes trials and life sentences against Ukrainian POWs to rewrite the facts about its war crimes and destruction of Mariupol

Halya Coynash

Dublin Communities Against Racism (DCAR) Publishes an anti-Ukrainian Statement – People fled war against Ukraine – they did not come because Ireland had the most generous benefits

Garrett Mullan

Hanna Perekhoda on Ukraine: “Thinking about solutions, we must at least not mistake the causes”

Hanna Perekhoda interviewed by Arthur BORRIELLO

Hanna Perekhoda on Ukraine: “Thinking about solutions, we must at least not mistake the causes”

Hanna Perekhoda Arthur Borriello

European Left leaders on Ukraine: Not even a hint of solidarity

Murray Smith

The Left and Ukraine: Anti-Imperialism or Alter-Imperialism?

Rafael Bernabe

How Modi’s Russia-Ukraine Policy Coopted India’s Opposition

Kavita Krishnan

Jeremy Corbyn and Ukraine

Dr. Natalie Kopytko

Kagarlitsky: Letter From Prison

Boris Kagarlitsky Sergey Voronin Alexandria Shaner

Canadian Left Responses to War in Ukraine – a Provisional Balance Sheet

Richard Fidler

Correcting Mandel: Why arming Ukraine is the road to peace

David Gutnick

The Unbearable Manicheanism Of The “Anti-Imperialist” Left

William Robinson

USA: Spinning Illusions: The Anti-American Left And The Ukraine War

Lawrence S. Wittner

Ukraine: Weapons to fight for peace

Yuliya Yurchenko

The arrest of Boris Kagarlitsky in Russia shocks the consciences of even the hitherto silent ones

Germano Monti

The annexation of Crimea and the uprising in eastern Ukraine 2014

Martin Fahlgren

Portugal: Left Bloc reaffirms solidarity with armed and unarmed resistance of Ukrainians

Dick Nichols, Jorge Costa

The strange behaviour of the Left Party on NATO

Svenssons Nyheter

James Connolly and Ukraine

Conor Kostick

Chile Stands with Ukraine During EU-Latin American Summit

Christopher Stewart

Russia’s war on Ukraine and the European lefts

Murray Smith

The Italian left ignored Russian cluster bombing of civilians, but wakes up now that the USA is supplying them to Ukraine?

Sinistra per l’Ucraina

The US left, Ukraine, and Biden

Eric Lee

Britain’s Morning Star veers even more anti-Ukraine

Jim Denham

Kavita Krishnan: "Our indifference to Ukraine did harm to our struggle in India"

Kavita Krishnan Commons

Cluster bombs in Ukraine – and hypocrisy in Britain’s Morning Star

Jim Denham

Internationalism and the Russia-Ukraine war – the hypocrisy of (some of) the left

Dale T McKinley

The war in Ukraine: four reductions we must avoid

Rafael Bernabe

“To Banish the Old Monsters”

Arthur Grand Paul Nagel

Why Australian Unionists should Build Solidarity with Ukrainian Workers and their Union

Lisabeth Latham

Pricey Propaganda Against Ukraine Solidarity

Howie Hawkins

The War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Book

Carl Mirra

The Green Party Debates Ukraine

Howie Hawkins

The Peace Movement and Ukraine: John Feffer Replies to Critics

John Feffer

Interview with Kavita Krishnan on Inequality, Leftist Struggles, and Repressions in India

Commons Kavita Krishnan

Britain’s tankies react to Prigozhin’s mutiny

Paul Mason

UK: The Lecturers’ Union and the Betrayal of the Intellectuals

Tom Scott

USA: DSA and Ukraine

Cheryl Zuur John Reimann

Ukraine myths used to justify Putin’s terror

Michael Karadjis

Socialist Worker dismisses pro-Ukrainians as “NATO trolls”

Dale Street

Ukraine makes Lindsey German distort Vietnam war

Sacha Ismail

The Surprising Pervasiveness of American Arrogance

John Feffer

Ukraine, Lula's peace plan and the global fight against the extreme right: An interview with Brazilian socialist Israel Dutra (MES/PSOL)

Israel Dutra Federico Fuentes

Africa and the War in Ukraine: Russian Money, Wagner Group, and Grassroots Solidarity

Vladyslav Starodubtsev

Boris Kagarlitsky (Russia): A plea to my Western progressive friends — Stop helping Putin with your conciliatory and ambiguous statements

Boris Kagarlitsky

Statement of the Anti War Committee of Kyrgyzstan

Anti-War Committee of Kyrgyzstan

Ukraine: Democratic socialism or barbarism: A reply to Hans-Herbert KĂśgler

Yuliya Yurchenko

Rødt supports Ukraine's fight for freedom


“Comrade President Lula, will you leave in history the memory of a leader who says stop to Vladimir Putin?”

Alain Lipietz

Ukraine: Some questions and proposals (for those who want peace)

Bernard Dreano

Kremlin influencing anti-war coalition in Germany: report

Zac Crellin

Killer aid. How German “charities” supply the Russian army through neo-Nazis

Iva Tsoy

Should Leftists Support Sending Weapons To Ukraine?

Davide Mastracci Taras Bilous Dimitri Lascaris

Taiwan: “Anti-War Working Group” Reproduces Us-Centrism Of Western Left, Fails To Consider Multipolar World

Brian Hioe

Kremprop resurfaced: Ben & Jerry’s Founder Is ‘Top Donor’ of Group Against U.S. Military Support for Ukraine

Anna Nemtsova

Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity

Conor Kostick Donnacha Ó Bríain Halyna Herasym Nóirín Greene

Myths and Facts about the War in Ukraine

Paul Schäfer

Leaders of German left condemn ‘peace rally’ over far-right involvement

Philip Oltermann

UK: The Ukrainian Question for Socialists

John McDonnell MP

SR intervention on the CPIML congress (full):

Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement) Ukraine

The Dark Side of Neutrality

Slavoj ŽiŞek


Christian Zeller

Pacifism 2003-2023: where has the 'second world power' gone?

Fabrizio Burattini

We Say: War on War! Russian socialists on the nature of the war in Ukraine and the delusions of Western “pacifists”


Argentina: The Conflict Inside the Conflict

MartĂ­n BaĂąa

The Invasion of Ukraine One Year On

Fred Leplat

US: No arms to Ukraine?

Nate Moore

US: Interview with Howie Hawkins on the Green Party, his future plans and more

Howie Hawkins John Reiman

Netherlands: On discussing, negotiating and arms, a response to Kees Stad

Willem Bos

Ukraine and the “neutrality” of the anti-NATOists

Alfons Bech

France: The orchestra of the blind, the deaf, the amnesiacs, the storytellers and the accomplices plays its score

Didier Epsztajn Mariana Sanchez Patrick Silberstein

Ukraine: Canada must do better, faster, including in arms

Marc Bonhomme

The pro-Putin demands of Britain’s “Stop the War” campaign

Brian Grogan

Dark Night – Against Anarcho-Putinism
Solidarity instead of geopolitics

Christian Zeller

Swedish left and Ukraine

Al Nskyi

Panel: Solidarity with Ukraine from the Global South

Bill Fletcher, Jr.

Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Reader

161 Crew

Howie Hawkins (Ukraine Solidarity Network US): ‘ The anti-imperialist position is to support the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people’

Howie Hawkins Federico Fuentes

Netherlands: Why I am not signing the 'Stop Arms Trade' appeal

Willem Bos

USA: Making sense of the Ukraine war

Eric Draitser

Russia and South Africa: the oppressors make a deal

Bob Myers

Putin can be defeated

Dan Katz

Canada: Our key antiwar target: the Kremlin, or NATO? A conversation with a friend

Richard Fidler

USA: What are the Lessons of Vietnam for Ukraine Today?

Stephen R. Shalom Dan La Botz

Ukraine war: Sub-Imperialist positioning, not “anti-colonial consciousness,” behind the neutrality of reactionary elites in the Global South

Michael Karadjis

USA: Ukraine Aid and Anti-Imperialism

John Carl Baker

Czechia: Why I won’t sign the Peace and Justice petition…

Antonín Hořčica

Why we won’t march with Stop the War on 25 February

Dan Katz

Razem: Building a left alternative in Poland

Federico Fuentes Zofia Malisz

The Japanese Left Responds to the Russo-Ukrainian War

Shaun O’Dwyer

Ano, potřebujeme spravedlivý mír. Kavan, Hořejší a Stropnický místo něj zdůrazňují naše ekonomické zájmy

Ondřej Slačálek.

Labour Must Help Ukraine Win The War

Christopher Ford

[Book Review] Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity

Richard Abernethy

War and Resistance Report Number 10

Marko Bojcun

Medea Benjamin, the pro-Putin “left” and the far right in America

John Reimann

DSA and Russia’s War on Ukraine: Toward a Mass Movement of Solidarity with Ukraine
Multipolarity, the Mantra of Authoritarianism

Kavita Krishnan

Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict in Ukraine?

David Finkel

Ukraine and the Crisis of the Italian Left

Fabrizio Burattini

USA: Their Anti-Imperialism and Ours

Linda Mann

Our Criticism and protest against Anti-American and Pro-Russian Campist Rhetoric

Aleksandra/ Russian citizen in Korea

Changing My Mind On Ukraine

John Feffer

Ukraine Now Holds a Strong Edge Over Russia

John Feffer

Is it easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Putin?

Bruno Cava Giuseppe Cocco

‘People in liberated Kherson are greeting Ukrainian soldiers in Russian’: Hanna Perekhoda on Ukrainian identity, language and Donbas

Hanna Perekhoda Federico Fuentes

How Russia’s loyal ‘opposition’ parties support the war against Ukraine

Simon Pirani

Nonsense about Ukraine peace talks

Jim Denham

Q&A: Navigating the Left’s Ukraine Debate

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Elly Leary

Ukraine inside us: the Italian left at the crossroads

Francesco Brusa

Jill Stein : Fake Anti-War Activist, Apologist for Russia’s Imperialist Invasion of Russia – Green Party (USA) Split Down the Middle

Mary Scully

Left positions on Ukraine's accession to the EU

Olena Slobodian

Sinn Féin 2022 Árd Fheis Policy on the Russian invasion of Ukraine – “Immediate Withdrawal of all Russian armed forces”

Tomás Ó Flatharta

The American Left and Ukraine

Dan La Botz

To help win peace, anti-war activists should support military aid for Ukraine

Federico Fuentes

Moving towards the peace rally on 5 November

Francesco Brusa

UK: Paul Mason is wrong, but less wrong than Nick Wright

Jim Denham

Nobel Peace prize: scandal, half-truths and hypocrisy

Jan Czajkowski

Ukraine Zindabad! Ukraine ki janta Zindabad!

Kavita Krishnan

Solidarity-based anti-imperialism or hypocritical pacifism

Christian Zeller

USA: @DemocracyNow & @CodePink demand Biden make Ukraine surrender territory to Russia

Clay Claiborne

A betrayal of Ukraine and the Left

Anthony Barnett

Ukraine: Divisions Among The Left

Achin Vanaik

UK: Andrew Murray, Stop the War Coalition, “The British government, for its own selfish imperialist interests, wishes to continue bleeding Russia and selling arms, regardless of the price Ukraine itself pays.”

Tendance Coatesy

As International Solidarity with Ukraine Grows, the Last Stand of Campism.

Tendance Coatesy

Walking a Tightrope on Ukraine: How India Is Balancing Ties to Russia & United States

Amy Goodman Nermeen Shaikh Kavita Krishnan

ÂťThis so-called pacifism is a petty-bourgeois ideologyÂŤ

Vasyl Cherepanyn Fabian Bechtle Leon Kahane

Remembrance done wrong. Patriotic narratives, Left-wing history and constructed imageries of Ukrainian national remembrance policies

Vladislav Starodubtsev

International solidarity. How foreign leftists are helping Ukraine in the war

Vladyslav Starodubtsev Zofia Malisz Adam Novak Elisa Moros Chris Ford Mick Antoniw

More Arms, Support Urged for Zelensky’s Ukraine at UK Labour Party Conference

Tony Leliw

Questions about Ukraine

Daria Saburova

Putin accuses the West of ‘Satanism’ to justify Russia’s colonial theft of 15 percent of Ukraine

Michael Karadjis

Ukraine: How the Anti-war Camp Went Intellectually Bankrupt

James Kirchick

Ukraine: bogus ‘anti-imperialism’ serves the Kremlin

Simon Pirani

Putin’s Invasion in Ukraine, or the Broken Identity of the Italian Left

Elisabetta Michielin Pietro Maestri Francesco Brusa

Germany’s Die Linke on verge of split over sanctions on Russia

Philip Oltermann

Positions of the global left over the abyss of imperialist escalation

Vitold Vasiletskyi

DSA Discusses Ukraine—Without an International Socialist Perspective

Dan La Botz

“Don’t exaggerate the influence of Russian propaganda” Ukrainian socialist Taras Bilous serves in the military - and right from there he fights the stereotypes of the Western left about Ukraine (and Russia). We spoke to him

Taras Bilous

Ukraine: To undermine NATO retrenchment, the left must fight to win the peace.

Ali Khan

The International’s Black Painting of Ukraine

Jan Czajkowski Friends of Socialist Politics

Swedish Left’s Perspectives on the War in Ukraine

Volodya Vagner

Has Zelensky sold off Ukraine’s agriculture to US multinationals?

Bob Pitt

Eastern Europe’s Tragedy

Taras Bilous

Ukraine: Censorship and self-censorship in time of war

Matt Salusbury

Ukrainian Feminist: We Need Western Solidarity in Fighting Russian Imperialism

Amy Goodman Oksana Dutchak Nermeen Shaikh

Bad Russia, but the West is to blame. The Polish left did not get into it

Dariusz Kałan

Ukraine, the feminist struggle does not stop with war

Viktoriia Pihul

Russian socialist Ilya Matveev: ‘Putin’s war on Ukraine is not about security, it is about imperialist interests’

Ilya Matveev Federico Fuentes

NATO expansion in the East

Hanna Perekhoda

DSA must change course, oppose Russian conquest, and support Ukraine’s right to resist!

Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign and European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine

Putin’s Captives

Andrei Kolesnikov

The hidden claims of some western left about the war in Ukraine

Oksana Dutchak

USA: Diplomacy instead of resistance? Chomsky loses his bearings on Ukraine

Dick Nichols

'Russia needs to be defeated': Russian socialists in exile say Putin has to be defeated in Ukraine

Charles R. Davis

Why is Ukrainian resistance invisible to you?

Simon Pirani

Inside the Ukrainian Resistance

Alona Liasheva Denys Pilash

Support the Ukrainian people in their resistance against the war!

Tassos Anastassiadis

Russia: Unafraid to Be Called a “National Traitor”

Andrei Movchan

Solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance!

Ashley Smith

Lewica o Ukrainie

Ekskursje W Dyskursie

Interview with the Russian Socialist Movement: The Revolutionary Left in Russia on the Resistance behind Putin's Front

RSD JoĂŁo Woyzeck

Ukraine: making a war of liberation

Vladyslav Starodubtsev Tom Harris

Our (mostly failed) predictions about this war

Volodia Artiukh

The War in Ukraine, International Security, and the Left

Taras Bilous

From Taiwan to Ukraine

Wen Liu Brian Hioe

Putin’s conquest of southeast Ukraine: Vexed questions of ‘negotiations’, gotcha moments and real imperial interests

Michael Karadjis

Right To Weapons. How Can Leftists Support Ukraine?

Zakhar Popovych

Olivier Besancenot: “A form of political paralysis is affecting the French left over the war in Ukraine”

Olivier Besancenot Laurent Geslin Mathilde Goanec

USA: When should we stop excusing the Russian invasion?

Bill Fletcher Jr. Bill Gallegos Jamala Rogers

Ukrainian Feminists under Western Eyes

Elisa Moros

The Putinist Left, its monstrosities and the Ukrainian national question

Yorgos Mitralias

Self-Determination and the War in Ukraine

Taras Bilous

The red-brown influencers now boosting the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Dale Street

Meet the Sneakiest Defenders of Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Mathew Foresta

When Putin Refutes the “Theories” of His Western Leftist Fans!
Open letter: Refusing to support Ukraine is grotesque

Christian Zeller

Evasions on the Left over Ukraine

Conor Kostick

The Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Dale Street

NO to NATO, or the identity crisis of the Spanish left

Elisa Moros

The greatest source of misinformation on Ukraine

Theo Horesh

The American Pundits Who Can’t Resist “Westsplaining” Ukraine

Jan Smoleński Jan Dutkiewicz

Canada: CD editorial board: Statement on the resignations of Dimitri Lascaris, Radhika Desai and Alan Freeman

Canadian Dimension editorial board, Cy Gonick, Paul S. Graham

On Putin’s “Leftism” and Solidarity with Russians

Ilya Matveev

Ilya Matveev: A Word to the Wise (On Putin’s “Leftism” and Solidarity with Russians)

Ilya Matveev

The Progressive Letter on Ukraine: Some Questions & Answers

Stephen R. Shalom

Immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine. Stand up against all imperialisms


Harsh Critique of Chomsky on Ukraine

HELLER Stanley