

Do a majority of Ukrainians want Ukraine to stop fighting?

Sacha Ismail

Ukraine: A People's Peace, not an Imperial Peace


War or peace? A false dilemma in the controversy
Taiwan: Rally Takes Place in Taipei to Mark Second Anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Brian Hioe

Statement from SP two years after the invasion

Socialistisk Politik

Britain: The Stop the War Coalition and Ukraine: a decade of political and factual illiteracy

Dale Street

Social Movement (Ukraine): From Ukraine to Palestine — Occupation is a crime

Sotsialnyi Rukh

Calling for an End to War Is Not the Same as Calling for Peace

Oleksa Drachewych

Russian troops out—Stop the genocide
The Stop the War Coalition and Ukraine

Dale Street

Ukraine is in danger

Dan Katz

Palestine, Ukraine, Neutrality and the right to defence.

Des Derwin

West ‘closed door’ on Ukraine after nuclear disarmament, says key negotiator
The German left debates Putin’s war

Jan Ole Arps Ingar Solty Projekt Revolutionäre Perspektive

Time is running out to solve Moldova’s Transnistria question

Evghenii Ceban

Poll: Overwhelming majority of Ukrainians oppose territorial concessions to Russia

Serge Havrylets

Peace Activists Should Be Clamoring for Peace on Ukrainian Terms

John Feffer

Ukraine: Weapons to fight for peace

Yuliya Yurchenko

‘Nobody in Russia believes that he or she can influence any events’

Greg Yudin Julika Luisa Enbergs

Cluster bombs in Ukraine – and hypocrisy in Britain’s Morning Star

Jim Denham

Ukraine and the violence of abstraction

Tom Dale

Pricey Propaganda Against Ukraine Solidarity

Howie Hawkins

The Peace Movement and Ukraine: John Feffer Replies to Critics

John Feffer

Britain’s tankies react to Prigozhin’s mutiny

Paul Mason

Germany's Sozialistische Zeitung gets it wrong on energy and geopolitics

Christian Zeller

Ukraine makes Lindsey German distort Vietnam war

Sacha Ismail

Ukraine’s Left Fights for a Future Free from Domination by Russian Tanks & Western Banks

Denis Pilash Gregory Afinogenov Nermeen Shaikh

Tobias Drevland Lund (Red Party, Norway): ‘We need a Nordic Defence Alliance that can stake out a third position between Russia and the US’

Tobias Drevland Lund Federico Fuentes

Ukraine: Some questions and proposals (for those who want peace)

Bernard Dreano

“Now Ukraine Needs Allies, Not Talk of Neutrality”

Posle Zakhar Popovich

The Invasion of Ukraine One Year On

Fred Leplat

Ukraine and the “neutrality” of the anti-NATOists

Alfons Bech

The pro-Putin demands of Britain’s “Stop the War” campaign

Brian Grogan

Ukraine: The crisis of hegemony, imperialism and global security challenges

Maksym Shumakov

Netherlands: Why I am not signing the 'Stop Arms Trade' appeal

Willem Bos

Czechia: Why I won’t sign the Peace and Justice petition…

Antonín Hořčica

The Japanese Left Responds to the Russo-Ukrainian War

Shaun O’Dwyer

Ano, potřebujeme spravedlivý mír. Kavan, Hořejší a Stropnický místo něj zdůrazňují naše ekonomické zájmy

Ondřej Slačálek.

Towards a global week of action for solidarity with Ukraine


Reply to Gilbert Achcar

Jan Czajkowski

Ukraine: The Left View On The Prospects Of Peace Negotiations

Denys Bondar Zakhar Popovych

A just and lasting peace for Ukraine!


Ukraine: 'We want genuine peace negotiations, not another “ceasefire” until the next invasion'

Federico Fuentes

Nonsense about Ukraine peace talks

Jim Denham

Ukraine’s formula for peace: Russia withdraws from Ukraine, returns POWs and deportees, pays reparations – Zelenskyy

Yuri Zoria

Is Ukraine Going Too Far?

John Feffer

To help win peace, anti-war activists should support military aid for Ukraine

Federico Fuentes

Why Russia is pushing a return to negotiations

Andrey Pertsev

Military insubordination has saved the world from nuclear war several times. An interview with Hugh Gusterson

Evheny Osievsky Hugh Gusterson