Practical help for Ukraine


Mark Serwotka, Public and Commercial Services Union


PCS has begun work on practical measures to help the Ukrainian trade union movement.

PCS has condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and calls for an immediate end to Russian military action and the withdrawal of its army. We have begun work on practical measures to help the Ukrainian trade union movement.

The Russian government’s violence has caused thousands of Ukrainian deaths, placed cities under siege, and caused millions of refugees, including thousands of non-Ukrainian students, to flee their homes and places of study. We stand with the people of Ukraine and all refugees in this time of their suffering.

We call on the UK government to welcome refugees to the UK, including non-Ukrainians affected by the war, without imposing any restrictions. So far the government’s response has been half hearted at best, and we will condemn any prevarication over the provision of a safe haven for those fleeing the war. The UK must offer refuge and support for people in all countries affected by wars inflicted on them by aggressor countries.

We are aware that stating opposition to the war is not enough. So we have begun work on practical measures that will help the Ukrainian trade union movement.

We have made contact with our sister union in Ukraine, the State Employees of Ukraine Union (SEEU);

  • A spokesperson from that union attended our NEC meeting on 22 March by Zoom;
  • PCS has donated £10,000 to the SEUU along with a message of support;
  • We've issued a branch bulletin setting out how funds can be raised by branches not only for the people and trade unions in Ukraine itself, but also for all refugees caused by this war;
  • The union is supporting a march for trade unionists in solidarity with the Ukrainian trade union movement which will take place on 9 April, with supporters asked to assemble at Parliament Square at 12:00.

The union is looking at further measures to help the Ukrainian trade union movement.