Zelenskyi postpones energy price pain for Ukrainians – but for how long?
Serhiy Guz
Ukraine’s proposed new media law threatens press freedom
Serhiy Guz
Krieg als Vorwand
Serhii Guz
Ukraine’s latest economic reforms threaten workers’ social benefits
Serhiy Guz
Ukraine: “The minimum task is to restore, without losses, all the civil, political, and social rights that we had before the war. ” Interview with Serhii Guz
Serhii Guz
The war in Ukraine, six months on
Kateryna Semchuk
Serhiy Guz
Igor Burdyga
Oksana Dutchak
Natalia Lomonosova
Válečný neoliberalismus? Ukrajina využívá ruské invaze ke schválení zákonů poškozujících práva pracujících
Thomas Rowley
Serhiy Guz
Ukraine uses Russian invasion to pass laws wrecking workers’ rights
Thomas Rowley
Serhiy Guz
Le Parlement ukrainien s'apprête à adopter un code de travail qui « retournerait les travailleurs et les travailleuses au XIXe siècle »
Serhiy Guz
Ukraine’s new labour law could ‘open Pandora’s box’ for workers
Serhiy Guz
La nueva reforma laboral "devolverá a los trabajadores al siglo XIX"
Serhiy Guz
We are not just fighting for Ukraine, or why Russia has nothing to offer us