Workers on battlefield deserves a social protection

The KVPU trade union confederation is concerned about the way workers engaged in the Armed Forces are treated. KVPU said yesterday "members of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine - miners, metalworkers, railway workers, teachers, doctors, were mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or voluntarily left their jobs to take a direct part in the fight against the Russian invaders and defend the motherland. Nearly 80 members of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine died on the battlefield…. Unfortunately, the families of fallen defenders face significant problems processing and receiving the payments promised by the state.

For example, not all 16 families of deceased NPSU members, former employees of Lvivvugilya SE, received aid in the amount of 15 millions hryvnias. The procedure for drawing up and checking documents, as well as their examination and approval by the commission under the Ministry of Defense, is quite long and complicated... They also have problems with registering a related pension to the loss of a breadwinner…Therefore, there is an urgent need to legislate on matters concerning:

  • allocate to all the children of the deceased, without exception, a bereavement pension of at least two subsistence minimums;
  • State aid (payments) to families of missing persons;
  • reduction of bureaucratic procedures for payments… According to a recent survey by the Rating group, the number of Ukrainians who believe that the state is not fulfilling its obligations to veterans of the war with Russia has increased. Last year, in August, 69% of citizens considered their support from the state to be sufficient, and in January this year - 53%, which is 16% less. Among the main problems experienced by veterans were difficulties: with registering benefits - 29%; with employment - 27%; with medical assistance”