Japan: ‘’Denounce Russia’s massive brutal attacks on Ukraine! Crush Putin’s war!’


Akira Kato (JRCL-RMF)

February 16, 2023

In the coming week of February 24th, a year after the start of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Zengakuren (All-Japan Federation of Students’ Self-Governing Associations), together with Antiwar Youth Committees, hold demonstrations in various places in Japan, under the slogans ‘’Denounce Russia’s massive brutal attacks on Ukraine! Crush Putin’s war!’

In Tokyo, workers and students take protest action at the Russian Embassy on February 24th.

Putin the invader is now indiscriminately shooting missiles on Ukrainian cities and launching a large-scale offensive in Donbass in an attempt to break the predicament in which he has been cornered by the indomitable Ukrainian resistance.

Comrades! Denounce the brutalities of Putin, scion of Stalin and today’s Hitler! Let us crush Putin’s war with the united fights of working people all over the world.

Akira Kato

For the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)