- Peace for Ukraine, no to the Russian war! Immediate cessation of bombing by the Russian military and withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine.
- The widest possible support for and solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their justified resistance to the Russian invasion.
Share your solidarity news with us by email (info@ukraine-solidarity.eu) and social media.
For news about national and local events check our social media (Twitter @EuropeanWith), (Facebook @EuropeUkraineSolidarity) (Instagram @ensu_resu/), ENSU Belgium page, Britain’s Ukraine Solidarity Campaign, Irish Left with Ukraine, and the following (incomplete) list.National and local events
Ukrainian trade unions, self-help groups, feminist and left collectives, and the Ukrainian diaspora are calling for global support to Ukraine’s armed and unarmed resistance. Across Europe and on other continents, we will be demonstrating our solidarity with them, and demanding that our governments and civil society do more.
Russia’s supporters are calling for Ukrainian surrender, and for Russia to continue occupying the territory it has seized. Their slogan is “ceasefire first, talks later.” They are lobbying against sanctions and western military aid to Ukraine. All their efforts are to strengthen Russia and weaken Ukraine.
In Washington DC, Russia’s supporters and fake pacifists are mobilising for the Rage Against the War event on February 19th. Please consider signing this statement of the Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign, an ENSU member.
Check out the arguments of Ukraine solidarity activists across Europe and North America. Don’t be fooled by fake pacifists and Putin supporters. Stand with Ukrainians at home and in the diaspora. Which way for peace?
The ENSU declaration is the basis for the main Brussels demonstration to mark the anniversary of the full scale invasion. This event is coorganised with the Ukrainian diaspora and a wide range of solidarity groups (more news in français, nederlands). Many solidarity groups in other countries have adapted our declaration for local mobilisation. For example, the Greek anti-authoritarian group Aftenergeia is calling for support to our joint week of action, using their modified version (Ελληνικά) of the ENSU declaration. There is still time for individuals and organisations to sign!
ENSU declaration 24 February 2023 all languages
Organisations signing:
Europe-wide: ENSU-RESU,
International Workers' Unity - Fourth International
Ukraine: Спільне (Commons)
AT: emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie
BE: ENSO-RESU*, Fondation Léon Lesoil asbl*, Koerdisch Instituut Brussel, SAP-Antikapitalisten / Gauche anticapitaliste*, Vermeylenfonds vzw, Vlaams-Socialistische Beweging (V-SB)
BR: MES/PSOL, Movimento Negro de Catanduva SP
CH: Bewegung für den Sozialismus/Mouvement pour le socialisme/Movimento per il socialismo, emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie
DE: emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie, For the right to resist - Linke Ukraine-Solidarität Berlin*
DK: Enhedslisten de Rød Grønne - Red Green Alliance
FR: Etm46, Emancipation Lyon 69, L'insurgé, New Anticapitalist Party (Nouvelle parti anticapitaliste - NPA), Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la notre !
ES: Socialismo y Libertad (SOL)+, Trasversales (association/magazine), Colectivo Léodile Béra, Internationalist Struggle
GB: Ecosocialist.Scot+, Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (Scotland), Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (England), Another Europe is Possible, Anti*Capitalist Resistance (England & Wales)
GR: eLaLiberta.gr, TPT - "4" [Greek section of the Fourth International]
IE: Irish Left with Ukraine*, Free Russians Ireland
IT: Utopia Rossa (association) Massari Editore (publishers)
JP: Japan Revolutionary Communist League -Revolutionary Marxist Faction (JRCL-RMF)
NL: SAP/Grenzeloos
NZ: Auckland Peace Action, Fightback Aotearoa
SE: Ukraina-Solidaritet Sweden*, Vänsterpartiet (Left Party) - Skurup branch
TK: Workers' Democracy Party
US: League for the Revolutionary Party, Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign
*Already ENSU members.
+These organisations have recently signed the ENSU manifesto and joined our network.
Individuals signing:
Ukraine: Oksana Dutchak, Goethe University of Frankfurt and Commons/Spilne, Vladislav Starodubtsev
BE: Dennis Barbion, Ida Dequeecker, lid van Furia, Frederik Dezutter, directeur Vermeylenfonds, Grégoire Faupin, Vincent Godderis, Sofia Lamouchi, Louise Lasance, Hamel Puissant, Formation Léon Lesoil ASBL, Daniel Tanuro, ecosocialist, auteur, Nick Van de Vel, militant SAP-Antikapitalisten, Thomas Weyts, Europees netwerk voor solidariteit met Oekraïne en SAP-Antikapitalisten
CH: Caroline Nigg
DE: Mary Killian
ES: Jesus Uzkudun Illarramendi, activista socia y portavoz de víctimas del Amianto, País Vasco
FR: Bea Whitaker
GB: Val Graham
GR: Theodoros TSIKAS, Political Scientist- International Relations, Sissy VOVOU, feminist, Athens
IE: Jacqueline Clarke, Christy McQuillan, Trade Union Activist, Steering Committee Member, Trade Unionists for New United Ireland (TUNUI) , Meath Council of Trade Unions Delegate, Member of SIPTU Meath District Council, Member of Meath Committee for Solidarity with Palestine, John Meehan
IT Roberto Massari, Michele Nobile, Etienne Romeo, Giovanni Scotto
SE: John Andersson, Jan Czajkowski
US, Dan La Botz, co-editor New Politics, Ev Kaye, John Reimann, Oaklandsocialist.com, Javier Sethness, Bill Young, member of Ukraine Solidarity Network-U.S.
Organisation names as declared by the signatory, for identification purposes only.